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Maribeth Kay TiempoPhoto

Maribeth Kay Tiempo

Senior Recruitment Consultant

Maribeth grew up in a big family. She is considered the breadwinner. Growing up with a lot of people around her, she felt loved. She is very sweet and clingy to her loved ones. You may see her as an introvert, but once you get to know her more, she is bubbly and a happy-go-lucky person. She loves to chat with her friends. She is also serious when it comes to working. She is a goal-oriented person.

She is passionate about learning new things, especially acquiring new skills. She feels like learning new skills helps her a lot in her professional life. It gives her confidence and motivation to work, too. She is an open-minded person. She is open to any feedback if she can learn from it, and that helps her grow as a person.

Outside of work, in her spare time, she really enjoys spending time with her family, playing with her dogs, listening to her favorite music, watching movies, and going hiking.